Friday 21 September 2012

Student Trailer Analysis

Camera angles -
  • establishing shot at beginning to show a setting
  • low angle shows characters are looking down on grave
  • mid shots to show action
  • low angle on man with gun to show power/dominance
  • close ups on faces to introduce characters
  • tilt from face to photo shows where audience should be looking and girl's reaction to image and her feelings towards the people in it
  • slow motion builds up suspense and highlights key moments
  • montage at end introduces characters and storylines.
Narrative -
  • continuous editing with cut aways to other storylines.
Sound -
  • dramatic music which builds up
  • gunshot noise on flick of cigarette connotes man has shot someone (have to watch full episode to find out).
Mise-en-scene -
  • chipped nail varnish and burning of photo of friends suggests girl's breakdown of a friendship
  • close up of woman's left hand and wedding ring followed by long shot of the woman with man's left hand in shot without ring connotes he has taken it off and is committing adultery.
Titling -
  • key words intertwined into action suggest storylines
  • professional-looking title screen at end.

Camera angles -
  • mid shot also shows setting
  • close ups introduce characters
  • long shot shows action
  • slow motion highlights costume
  • pan showing action and introduces new character
  • low angle shot showing large house and character's legs suggests walking into his home
  • various shots showing different settings
  • handheld shot showing boys running generates a frantic feel and makes the trailer seem more fast-paced and exciting.
Narrative -
  • Continuous editing which tells a story (linked storylines)
  • Shows various storylines - good to hook audience (gives them an idea of storylines) and introduces characters.
Sound -
  • Catchy soundtrack that fits with action
  • Conventional of soap trailers and has no diegetic sound.
Mise-en-scene -
  • Children wearing hoodies has connotations of the stereotype of a 'chav' - signifying they will be troublesome characters.  The fact they are running from something also connotes this and them running in front of the car signifies their ignorance
  • Man wearing all black connotes there will be dark happenings in the soap opera such as death.
Titling -
  • Titles throughout trailer fitted with music and transitions looked smooth and professional.  Clever use of the word 'new' throughout trailer as soap's name is 'New Street'
  • BBC logo overlaid on trailer throughout gives professional outcome and is conventional to that of real BBC soap trailers
  • Professional-looking title screen at end of trailer (music continued over it and fonts look very similar to that used on real trailers/programmes on BBC).  Voiceover also adds to the trailer's professional outcome (conventional of BBC trailers).

Camera angles -
  • Breaks 180 degree rule which makes some shots difficult for the audience to understand (when they are talking about loan, around 0:17)
  • Close up shots show characters expressions
  • Mid shots show action
  • Pans to show other characters.
Narrative -
  • Lots of cuts to put clips together to make sense (looks unprofessional), need to film continuously for professional outcome
  • The way it's edited doesn't always make sense to the viewer e.g order of clips shown and angle of shots needs to be changed (the 'Confrontations' scene and the loan scene in particular)
  • Doesn't flow.
Sound -
  • Unconvincing voiceover
  • Unconventional speech within soap trailer.
Mise-en-scene -
  • Lack of realistic-looking settings, costume and characters (not believable)
  • Haven't particularly considered mise (e.g the boss man is wearing casual clothes but does he work in an office? Suit and tie. Or is he a builder? Work clothes/overalls.)
Titling -
  • Unprofessional-looking title screen at end (need to use real logo).

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