Initially, I noticed that I couldn't find many soap opera posters about - it seems a feature more standard practice for films than for soaps, but Hollyoaks had made a couple of really interesting, punchy ones.

Being an unconventional soap, Hollyoaks uses this to their advantage and plays on this in the (above) poster. The tagline "Rub some Hollyoaks on it" alongside the image used, seems as if they are mocking other soaps through their contrasting representations of everyday life, although both remain verisimilitude to the situations portrayed, only one -being a bar scene- more sophisticated than the other communal area (a pub).
This is a very blunt tagline, guaranteed to ensure that pre-existing audiences will tune in to see the episodes, but also a new audience, who maybe didn't like the soap before, intrigued to find out how it will change purely out of curiosity.
On both these posters, the channel and time the soap opera is aired is clearly visible, however the layouts are completely different. We must ensure the channel and viewing time is visible when creating our own poster in order to remain following conventions and most importantly, achieve high viewing figures.
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